Is there an application process for new campers?
Yes! For these reasons we have moved to an application approval process to get in to camp.
1. We are a fabulous place for dogs but we have learned over the years that we are not the best place for every dog. Some dogs just don't do well in this environment and would rather lounge in a room with a television and personal sous chef (I own one of these dogs) and we totally respect that. In contrast to that, we are a busy, physical and mental enrichment driven socialization camp. We want to determine to the best of our ability if we are the right fit for your camper.
2. First and foremost, we have an obligation to our current campers to ensure their safety. We approve and deny new camper applications based on this promise to the dogs who currently come.
3. We have an obligation to keep the new applicant safe if they are to get approval. We consider this heavily in the process. We have made camp as safe as possible and strive to continue to do so however we also know that a lot of our activities create an added risk. We also consider each individual dogs needs and restrictions due to behaviors. For example, if your dog has successfully climbed a six foot fence we would need measures put in place to ensure that they are not successful doing that here at camp. If we determine the measures of protection that we can provide may not be enough OR those measures would prevent a potential new camper from being happy at camp OR would put an undue burden on our staff then we simply cannot maintain our promise and we will not approve that camper. The application process allows us to try to determine if the risk is to great (in our opinion) for each individual applicant.
4. We are small and lots of dogs want to come. We get it. It's hard to get a spot even when you have been approved or have been coming for years. It's a problem. Honestly, we don't have all the answers yet, but we hope that the application process will allow us to direct dogs not suited for camp in another direction and open up space for those who we know will thrive.
With that in mind, we ask that all new campers fill out an application to be considered for camp. You can find our application under the New Camper Application tab or you can request an application through email at bedandbiscuits@gmail.com.
What are the vaccination requirements to board at Bed and Biscuits?
In the best interest of all our friends that come play, we require proof of these vaccinations:
2. Rabies
3. Canine Influenza (this one is most often overlooked)
4. Bordetella
5. All campers must be on flea/tick prevention
For new campers, please verify with your veterinarian that all our requirements have been met then forward the information to us at bedandbiscuits@gmail.com so that we may complete the record.
For returning campers, please verify with your veterinarian that all vaccinations are current then forward that information to us at bedandbiscuits@gmail.com. We do not send reminder notices each time a camper has a vaccination expire. That information is provided to you by your veterinarian. We simply need verification your camper meets our requirements.
When camp reservations are made an email confirmation is sent indicating the vaccines our system needs updating on. We request that you check with your veterinarian regarding the status of those vaccinations then email us the updated information as soon as possible.
We do not want to turn any camper away on check in day, however, for the safety and welfare of all our campers, we will if vaccinations are not current.
What are your current rates?
OVERNIGHT CAMPERS: Effective 06/01/2023 Subject to Change
Standard Room
$40.00 per day for one camper
$22.00 per day for each additional bunkmate
X-Large Room
$47.00 per day for one camper
$27.00 per day for each additional bunkmate
Handsome's House
$87.00 per day for one camper
$47.00 per day for each additional bunkmate
Effective 02.15.2005: We work exactly like a hotel. Your campers room is prepared the day of check in and you are welcome to check in between 8:30am - Noon or between 5-7pm. If you check out before noon on your departure day there is no charge for that day. Campers staying past check out time are charged for the day as they receive all playtime, feedings and camp counselor care for the entire day and the room cannot be reserved for another camper. Sunday evening check outs are charged for the day.
$22.00 per day
Day Campers are dropped off in the morning and picked up in the evening, Monday - Friday. We do not combine Overnight Camping rates with Day Camp Rates. We provide Day Camp to only 10 lucky dogs per day and reservations are required.
What are your office hours for arrivals and departures?
Please see holiday hours below for holiday office hours!
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 12pm and also 5pm - 7pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 12pm Only (Our office is closed for drop off and pick up on Saturday afternoons)
Sunday: 5pm - 7pm Only (Our office is closed for drop off and pick up on Sunday mornings)
Can we drop off or pick up our dog earlier or later than your office hours?
We ask our clients to respect our office hours. We have several reasons for insisting upon this. Our campers have a daily routine that helps them feel safe and secure. We do not like to disrupt this for any reason. We also have several scheduled socialization times, nap and trail times throughout the day. We will not interrupt our guests play, nap or romp times for arrivals and departures outside the set hours. *EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2007 - Any pre-arranged/Emergency pick up or drop off outside our set office hours will incur an automatic $50.00 payable to the staff member who has agreed to come in during their off time to accommodate. Arrangements must be made in advance. There are no exceptions to this policy*
Late drop off/pickups will incur a fee of $1/minute and will be paid directly to the staff member who stayed late to accommodate you.
Do you offer Drop Off and Pick Up Services?
We do! The Bed and Biscuits Bus will gladly come pick up your pooch and bring them out to camp to play for the day or to stay with us while you are on vacation! Please see our "Bed and Biscuits Bus" page for all the details!
Are you closed on holidays?
24 hour care takes place every day of the year at Bed and Biscuits however our office is closed for Drop off's (D/O) & Pick Ups (P/U) on the following 2024 Holidays to allow our entire staff to focus on the dogs.
May 25th & 26th: Office Closed (Memorial Day)
May 27th: Office closed in AM and Opens up 5-7 PM
July 4th & July 5th, & July 6th 2024: Office Closed (Fourth Of July)
July 7th 2023: Office closed in AM and Opens up 5-7 PM
August 31st & September 1st 2024: Office Closed (Labor Day)
September 2nd 2024: Office closed in AM and Opens up 5-7 PM
November 9th & November 10th 2024: Office Closed (Veterans Day)
November 11th 2024: Office closed in AM and Opens up 5-7 PM
November 28rd - 30th 2024: Office Closed (Thanksgiving)
December 1st 2024: Office closed in AM and Opens up 5-7 PM
December 24th - 226th 2024: Office Closed (Christmas)
December 27th 2024: Office closed in AM and Opens up 5-7 PM
December 31st 2024 & January 1st 2024: Office Closed (New Years)
January 2nd 2024: Office closed in AM and Opens up 5-7 PM
Do you require a deposit to make reservations?
Yes. The following dates in 2024 are marked as Holiday/Peak times in our system and require a deposit of $80 per camper/per reservation for a standard room and $94 per camper/per holiday for an XL room. Effective 01.01.2023 deposits must be paid at the time a holiday or peak season reservation is made.
Memorail Day (Holiday): Any dates from May 2 - May 26, 2024
Peak Season: Any dates from May 27 - August 29, 2024
Labor Day (Holiday): Any dates from August 30 - September 1, 2024
Veterans Day (Holiday): Any dates from November 9 - November 10, 2024
Thanksgiving (Holiday): Any dates from November 28 - November 30, 2024
Christmas/New Year (Holiday): Any dates from December 20 - January 1, 2025
Effective 7/5/2022:
Holiday Deposits: Refundable if the cancellation is made 14 days prior to the first day of the reservation. Cancellation of Holiday Boarding Dates after the 14-day period will result in a loss of the deposit. Any reservation that is modified after the 14 days prior to the first day of the reservation, resulting in a shortened stay, will be charged for the dates of the original reservation. Refunds will be credited to the account.
Peak Season Deposits: Refundable if the cancellation is made 7 days prior to the first day of the reservation. Cancellation of Peak Season boarding dates after the 7-day period will result in a loss of the deposit. Any reservation that is modified after the 7 days prior to the first day of the reservation, resulting in a shortened stay, will be charged for the dates of the original reservation. Refunds will be credited to the account. (Peak Season is Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend)
We have a long waiting list every holiday and during the summer. If given a reasonable amount of time for modifications or cancellations to a reservation we can help the dogs waiting to come to camp. It is exponentially harder to fill a room left empty within the 7-14 day time frame. Holiday and Peak Season deposits must be paid at the time of booking and can be paid over the phone or you may come by during office hours and pay it in person. They also can be mailed, however the reservation will not be made until the deposit is received. Once the deposit is received we will book the reservation (if space is available at that time). Please contact us with any questions prior to booking a reservation.
We have two or more dogs. Can they board together during their stay?
Absolutely! We believe that if family members can board together without arguments that they should. We are regulated by the Department of Agriculture regarding square feet of space per dog. If your family does not meet the requirements for a shared standard room - we have XL rooms that can accommodate most families. We will always separate at feeding times at no extra charge.
Do you administer medications that my pet needs during their stay?
Yes! Medications need to be in its original container w/ name, dosage and milligrams clearly visible. A medication sheet must be filled out by parents for each reservation. You can request a copy of the medication sheet prior to arrival by emailing us that request. There is a nominal charge of 0.50 cents per medication per administration by mouth. Injectable medications are $2.00 per injection. After hours (7PM) Administration is an additional $5.00.
What happens in the event of a medical emergency with my pet?
In the unlikely event a guest presents with a medical emergency we immediately contact the owners. In the event contact is unsuccessful and the situation is a true emergency, we will transport directly to a veterinarian while continuing to make contact with a parent. If we are unsuccessful in reaching a parent we will call the emergency contact we have on file. Bed and Biscuits uses the services and advisement of Dr. Dale Brown from Riverbark Animal Hospital.
Do you have a cancellation/early pick up policy for non holiday/non peak times?
Yes! All families are responsible for the dates they booked unless changes to the reservation are made at least 7 days before the first day of the reservation. Every family is sent a Reminder Notice through email/text 7 days prior to the first day of their reservation. Changes to the reservation can be made any time before, and up to the day the reminder is sent without incurring charges. A cancellation of a reservation without a minimum of 48 hours’ notice will result in an implementation of a deposit policy on any future reservations.
During Peak Season (holiday and summer months) please read our holiday deposit policy above.
We do not allow clients to give their reservation to friends should they decide to cancel. We use the wait list in order to be fair to everyone.
Do you allow play time with dogs from different families?
Yes, with parental permission! We match by size, temperament and activity levels. Our play groups are always supervised closely. We firmly believe dogs are social creatures and if they can and want to play together, they should. We have guests that for one reason or another do not participate in play group. We accommodate them with extra one on one time.
We are very transparent to our family's that any play group activity raises the risk of injury. We ask family's to consider this before signing our contract allowing social play. We encourage any and all questions. We have an excellent track record however, at the end of the day we must acknowledge animal behavior can be unpredictable at times no matter how steadfast we are in supervision.
Do you give military or long stay discounts?
Military guests staying 14 days and longer are given a discount on their entire stay! We are proud to be the boarding facility for many of our deployed members of the Armed Services as well as a 30 year military family!
What Items should we bring to camp for our camper(s)?
1. Updated shot records. We request that you forward all updated shot records to us prior to coming into camp so that we may ensure you have met all the requirements and there are no surprises on check in day!
2. Your dog's food. Please bag each individual serving into a ziplock baggie and place into an airtight container with your dogs name clearly labeled on it. Please provide an extra day of food to cover them in the event you need to pick up later than originally planned.
We do not like to change a dog's diet multiple times within a couple of days. At minimum it may upset their stomach and for those with sensitive stomachs it can lead to gastrointestinal upset which is never fun for anyone.
The Department of Agriculture requires that any food brought to camp be in an airtight container with your pet's name clearly marked on it along with the frequency and amount they are fed daily.
We cannot accept bags of dog food or individual serving bags of dog food unless they are containerized. We do have several airtight food containers that we make available to our clients for a rental fee of $5.00.
3. If your dog has a blanket or shirt that smells like home and you would like to bring that - we are happy to accommodate that. We have Kuranda Beds that we can place the item on. We also have a stock pile of blankets that we use and launder daily and we don't even mind when they drag it out their dog door and attempt to play tug of war with it.
Honestly, they have all that they need here at camp besides their food. We have 6 gazillion toys and loads of play equipment, trails to walk on, golf carts to ride on and pools to swim in. They do not have a whole lot of time to do anything other than have fun!
Are there items that cannot be brought to camp?
1. No stuffed bedding. It cannot be washed daily in our machines and we require sanitization of their bedding. It also poses an ingestion risk if they decide to have a late night chewing session.
2. Please leave any breakable containers/food or water bowls at home. We use stainless steel bowls and pails which are sanitized twice daily. Glass presents a hazard if broken. If your dog will not eat or drink from stainless steel just let us know and we will accommodate them with plastic.
3. Please do not bring your dog's favorite stuffed animal, squeeky toy or blanket. We do our very best to ensure that all items go home intact however sometimes our friends have different ideas. If it is their favorite thing in all the world - please don't bring it to camp and risk something happening to it.
4. Leashes- please bring a leash with you when you at drop off and pick up. Please do not leave your leash with us. Full disclosure: we will inadvertently steal it. We use leashes 1000 times a day and you would not believe how many black leashes there are in the world. We will mix them up, return them to the wrong family or just plain steal it. We have amassed a large collection over the years and so we ask that you do not leave your leashes with us.
5. We are a naked facility! For physical safety, we don't allow collars on, while in the building or play yards. We strongly suggest collars not be brought to camp. We use specific collars, containing an AirTag, while partaking in trail walks or golf carts. If harnesses are used at home, please bring them (clearly labeled) and we will maintain continuity while at camp. If pups arrive with collars, we remove and store them. Collars MUST BE labeled. Please ensure collars are returned to you at departure. On occasion, one will slip by us.
6. We will under no circumstances use a shock collar that you have placed on your dog while they are at camp. You must remove the shock collar.. We do not make exceptions.
7. We reserve the right to refuse any item that we deem unsafe for any and all of the dogs in our care.
Are there dogs that you will not provide boarding services for?
Unfortunately, Yes. We are a camp that socializes therefore we are unable to provide socialization for Bully breeds/American Staffordshire Terriers, Cane Corso's, Wolfs or Wolf Hybrids. Also, we cannot provide care for a dog that is aggressive to humans and/or aggressive to other animals.
Can we come for a tour before bringing our dog for the first time?
****Due to the Pandemic and for the safety of our staff, our clients and our campers we have suspended all inside tours. We hope to get back to normal as soon as possible! We would love to show you around outside while safely social distancing. Please call us if you have any questions regarding this!****
We are hopeful that in the near future we can return to a normal routine of.....
We would love it! You do not need to make an appointment to do this - we have an open door policy during our office hours Monday-Saturday! We kindly ask that you do not come for a tour of camp on Sunday evenings as usually we are reuniting a lot of campers with their families and we simply do not have the time that we want to devote to the tour.
Feel free to drop by during these hours on these days:
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 11 am or 5pm - 6pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 11am
Our campers begin their afternoon siesta at noon and the staff goes to lunch as well. Pease ensure you are here by 11am so the staff may focus on getting their campers situated and tucked in by noon. Please understand that during busy times you may have to wait a bit for your tour. The campers in our building are our number one priority at all times. We strive very hard to get to you as soon as possible. If you do have a small wait we encourage you to ask our office staff any questions you may have and check for availability. We will not give tours in between or after these hours as that is the campers time to play, go on trail walks, ride on golf carts and participate in their schedule activities. We encourage you to bring your camper(s) with you so that we may meet them as well and see if they are a good candidate to come play at camp!
We close the red gate in between office hours for the safety of the dogs who are out and about on our 12 acres participating in activities. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should anyone remove the lock and open the red gate when it is closed to see if you can catch a staff member to give you a tour outside of office hours. We also ask that you do not drive down the trail path to circumvent the gate. We take the safety of our campers and our staff very seriously and we will not welcome back any person who intentionally puts them in a potentially harmful situation. PLEASE DO NOT EXCEED 15 MPH ON THE ROAD TO CAMP. STAFF AND DOGS ARE OUT AND ABOUT. PLEASE HELP US KEEP EVERYONE SAFE!
Are their risks to my dog coming to camp?
I would love to answer no to this question but the honest answer is yes!
There are a gazillion little things I could write about risks. I am going to cover what I consider to be the biggest ones and encourage you to make contact with us if you have a specific concern in mind.
1. The number one risk here at camp is an escapee or a fence jumper. In 17 years I can count on two fingers how many times this has happened and I am beyond grateful to say that we were very lucky that both times the dogs were not really interested in going far once they got over. Our facility is double fenced in all areas and triple fenced in other areas. When a dog is admitted into camp and the owner does not relay to us that the dog can and does climb/jump 6 foot fencing there is a huge risk. If a dog can jump one six foot fence - he or she can also jump two or three six foot fences and they do so in the blink of an eye. If you have a known fence jumper - you must inform us so we can alert all staff to the safety precautions that need to be put into place from the minute they enter into the building until the moment they leave. Any known fence jumper or any behaviorally suspected fence jumper is either leashed to a human being at all times, when outside, or is attached to a 20 foot light weight lead that trails behind them while in the play yards, with a human trailing close behind. Please arm us with the knowledge so that we may protect your dog every single moment they are with us.
We are currently in the process of completing our coyote roll fencing system which will give the dogs exponentially more problems with being successful at jumping a fence which will result in more freedom for those Houdini's.
2. Our trails are not fenced. We walk the dogs on our trails and we ride through those same woods on the golf carts. We use multiple security measures to ensure their safety at all times. If we are informed by parents of any added risk additional security measures are put into place. If your dog is a known flight risk, please do not sign them up for activities that compromise their safety. We have a perfect track record on this and we work very hard every single day to keep it that way.
3. Whenever two or more dogs are socialized together the risk of injury, with malice or without, increases. Our staff is excellent at recognizing and handling these type of infrequent situations quickly however the risk of potential injury remains. If you are extremely concerned about this, please consider not signing them up to attend play group.
4. Anytime two or more dogs are in close contact the risk of an airborne illness increases. We do not allow unvaccinated dogs into our building, however that does not eliminate the risk of a dog coming down with a cold if exposed to another dog with a cold. The bordetella vaccination is very much like the human flu vaccination. The vaccination gives protection from the most vicious strains, however does not cover all strains and there are hundreds of different strains. A vaccinated dog can be an asymptomatic carrier and not show any indicator that he/she may have a cold. Another vaccinated dog that comes into contact with the asymptomatic dog may contract the cold and begin to show symptoms. It is very much like school children. We take this very seriously and we do every single thing we can to prevent airborne illness from entering into our building, however, there is a risk every time you allow your dog to come into contact with another dog. It is not just boarding facilities that one needs to be concerned about. Your neighbors dog, the dog park, your friends dogs, at your vet, at your groomer or your local pet store. We promise to continue to maintain excellent sanitizing protocols and strict standards on who can and cannot stay in our building. We ask parents to inform us of any sign of illness prior to coming in, as well as any reports of illness from other dogs that your dog has had contact with. If your dog is not feeling well, they cannot come to camp. If your dog has been in contact with another dog that has become sick, your dog cannot come to camp. We cannot 100% prevent dogs from getting a cold but we sure can work together and try to keep it at bay as best we can.
This is just a small list of things. None meant to discourage you from coming to camp. We want campers to come play with us however we need them to be healthy and we need to be armed with the knowledge that will protect them. I encourage you to contact us if you have other concerns or want more clarification on our rules regarding minimizing risks.
How can I check on my camper during their stay?
Just give us a call, Facebook message us or send us an email and we can update you on how they are doing.
My pet has a special diet. Can their needs be accommodated?
Absolutely! We have both a refrigerator and a freezer on site and can accommodate nearly all dietary needs.
Why does my dog drink so much water when he/she comes home from camp?
18 years ago, when I first opened camp- I truly was offended when family's asked me this question. I simply could not understand what they were talking about. Then one day I took a camper home on the bus and watched in absolute horror when he went straight to the water bowl in his house and drank every last drop as if he had been living in the Sahara Desert for the last week. I was dumbstruck. It is a fact that every camper has access to fresh water 95% of the time. It is in their room. It is on their patio. It is in the play yards. The only time they do not have the free will to drink is when they are on the trail.
I began to watch my own dogs closer when they came home from daycare and sure enough they did the same thing. Then I began to watch the campers right after they arrived to camp and I realized they did it when they arrived at camp. They would go straight to a water bucket and drink like their parental units forgot to give them anything to drink for the last 67 days.
I have talked to other facilities about this phenomenon, as well as the vet and I even reached out to several of the dogs and asked them to reveal why?
All these years later....I still do not know why. There are lots of theories but nothing concrete. Please know this: It will be one of my first questions when I get to heaven with all the dogs and until then I promise you that the dogs have free will to drink all the water they want while at camp!
Why is my dog so exhausted after coming home from camp? Is this normal?
Most dogs live a rather sedentary life. Most are home alone during the work day and may or may not go out for a stroll once or twice a day. At camp, they are on the go from sun up until sun down. They are playing and involved in activities. Racing around the yards, jumping on and off the trampolines and play equipment. They are living their best dog life! They are all mandated to have one needed siesta mid-day but other than that they are free to romp and play. Most dogs will not give up, even when they are dog tired. They will just keep going. Once they return to their castles and there are no friends to distract them or trampolines to jump on - their will gives in to the bodies need for rest and so they will sleep. Some for a couple hours and some for a couple days. Depends on how hard they played and how young they are. My dog Sadie will sleep for days after camp- only getting up for food, water, potty breaks and the occasional pet. My crazy, ADHD dog, Pickles however will come home get a good nights sleep and then he is back to his Tornado self the next morning. In almost all cases, there is nothing to be concerned about. A tired dog is a good dog and they are simply tired from all the activity. If you are concerned that it is something more than a tired dog, please give us a call and we will happily discuss their time at camp!
Are you located in Fayetteville, NC?
Can we see what your standard bunk looks like?
Absolutely! Here is a photo of our standard bunk. Each bunk has a doggie door that leads to their own 40 sq. ft. private patio. Each campers has their own Kuranda bed/cot for a comfortable rest.

We are located just outside of Fayetteville. We are convenient to Fayetteville/Ft Bragg and also Dunn, Clinton, Wade, Vander and of course, Stedman. We are about 10 miles from the heart of Fayetteville. We are a hop, skip and a jump from I95 and I295 makes it a breeze to get to us.