The 2023 New Camper Application period will officially closed on 05.15.2023. We will open it back up after Labor Day. Applications are reviewed in the order they come in. New Families may turn in applications at any time however, applications will not be selected and New Camper evaluations will not be held until after Labor Day. Send us an email if you have any questions.
Established family's wishing to add a new camper to their camp record may do so at any time during the year. Just fill out the application and send it in to us.
We hope everyone has a happy and healthy summer!
Bed and Biscuits
New Camper Application
Please copy and paste information into an email along with the required documents. You may also request a PDF version of this application by emailing here! Please let us know how many dogs you would like to be considered and we will send you the appropriate application!
Hello from Camp! F2023
Thank you for your interest in our little camp & completing this application. Please note before continuing: All campers over one year must be spayed/neutered to be eligible to come to camp. We require the Canine Influenza vaccination (also known as CIV or H3N2/H3N8) along with Bordetella, DHPP and Rabies. The CIV vaccine is the most overlooked vaccine by applicants so we try to mention it up front to make everyone aware of our requirement. All campers must have the initial CIV vaccination followed by a booster, typically done two- three weeks later. We require an evaluation day camp day for all applicants. We are unable to make a reservation for overnight camping without a completed application with the requested documents and an evaluation day. The safety and security of our campers is our priority.
Providing us with answers to all the questions below will help us determine if your camper is a good candidate for camp.
Owners Name:
Spouse/Partners Name:
Complete Address:
Mom's Cell Phone Number:
Dad's Cell Phone Number:
Cell Phone Provider of Primary Cell Phone on Account: (If you would like text message confirmations when booking – please provide your Cell Provider) We promise to never ask you about your cars extended warranty!
Primary Email:
Emergency Contact: (Name & Phone # to contact in the unlikely event of an emergency. Please do not list spouse/partner.)
Overnight Campers Drop Off and Pick Up Times (Non-Holiday) F2023
Monday- Friday: 8:30am - Noon (AM) or 5-7pm (PM)
Saturday: 8:30am - Noon Only (AM) Sunday: 5pm - 7pm Only (PM)
Visit our FAQ page for holiday office closures and deposit requirements for holiday bookings.
Please list below the specific dates you are looking to book at camp (w/ drop off/pick up time frames).
Drop Off Date: AM or PM? and Pick up Date: AM or PM?
Camper #1
Male or Female:
Spayed or Neutered:
Date of Birth:
Current Weight:
Vet Clinic Name and Phone Number:
Please answer the following questions for Camper #1:
1. Has your dog ever successfully jumped/scaled a 6-foot fence?
If yes, please provide detailed information: Where, when, how, circumstances, etc.
2. Has your dog ever successfully dug out of a fenced area?
If yes, please provide detailed information: Where, when, how, circumstances, etc.
3. Has your dog ever suffered an injury by another dog?
If yes, please provide details and how that has affected his socialization with other dogs:
4. Has your dog ever injured another dog?
If yes, please provide detailed information: Where, when, how, circumstances, etc.
5. Has your dog ever injured a human?
If yes, please provide detailed information: Where, when, how, circumstances, etc.
6. Has your dog ever successfully slipped a properly fitted harness or collar?
If yes, please provide detailed information: Where, when, how, circumstances, etc.
7. Has your dog been in a play group with multiple other dogs?
If yes, when was the last time and how did he/she do?
8. Has your dog ever attended a doggie daycare?
If yes, when was the last time and how did he/she do?
9. Has your dog ever stayed overnight at a boarding facility?
If yes, when was the last time and how did he/she do?
10. Has your dog ever attended any sort of obedience training?
If yes, when was the last time and how did he/she do?
11. What is your opinion of your dog’s desire for companionship with other dogs?
12. While most dogs want to socialize, some choose not to. We do not force socialization on any dog that
comes to camp. Please acknowledge that you understand our policy.
13. How does your dog react when another dog approaches him/her while on leash?
14. How does your dog react when another dog approaches him/her while off leash?
15. How does your dog react with toys or treats present in a group setting with other dogs?
16. How does your dog react if a toy, treat, or food needs to be taken away from him/her?
17. How does your dog handle being alone while you are away from home?
18. Is your dog crate trained?
19. On a scale of 1 – 10 (one being the least) how would you rate your dog on a social scale?
20. Please list 3 things that bring your dog joy.
21. Please list 3 things that your dog is afraid or nervous of/about?
22. Is your dog currently on monthly or quarterly flea/tick prevention?
If not, please tell us why-
23. Is your dog on any medication other than heartworm prevention and flea/tick prevention?
If yes, please share with us what the medication is for?
If yes, does this condition prevent your dog from any activities at camp.
24. Please share with us your favorite thing about your dog?
25. What behaviors about your dog frustrate you? We promise not to tell them!
26. Is there any place on your dog’s body that does not like to be touched?
If yes, please tell us where and what behavior does your dog exhibit to indicate their displeasure.
27. What are you hoping that Day Camp or Overnight camp will provide for your dog?
28. Is there anything we need to know about your dog to keep them safe at camp?
If yes, - please provide a detailed answer.
29. Are you a current or past client of camp already and are applying for a new family member?
30. If not a current or past client - how did you hear about us?
31. Please acknowledge your understanding that all campers over 1 year must be spayed/neutered and puppies may
come up their 1st birthday and then must be spayed/neutered in order to continue to come to camp.
32. Please acknowledge your understanding that an evaluation day is required to become a camper.
33. Please send us a current photo of your dog. We will not review an application without a photo.
34. Please send a current shot record for review. We will not review an application without a shot record.
A receipt from their last visit usually indicates shot due dates and that is what we need. Please check with your vet
specifically, about the Canine Influenza. This required vaccination is the most overlooked vaccination for owners.
All campers must be current on the following vaccinations in order to come to camp:
DHLPP * Bordetella * Canine Influenza * Rabies.
Things to Know:
We work exactly like a hotel. Check out time is at noon Monday - Saturday. There is no charge for the last day if pick up is before noon. If campers are picked up between 5-7pm the daily rate applies. We do not offer a morning pick up on Sunday while we prepare our weekend campers for departure and all campers are charged the daily rate.
Day Camp (daycare) is held Monday–Friday. Drop off is from 8:30am - Noon, however we request you arrive by 10am to enjoy all activities and group play. Pick up is anytime between 5-7pm. Day camp cannot be tacked on to an overnight reservation.
We offer Room Service to all campers at check in. Our current menu can be located under the More Tab on our website and will give you an idea of some activities that go on at camp. These fun addons help rescue dogs each month.
In the event your dog is not selected during this next round of selections, it does not mean that your dog is not a great dog. Most often it simply means we cannot accommodate everyone who wants a bunk at camp. We choose to stay small to maintain our personal promise of individualized care for each dog. We would love for all dogs to come play – however, we can accommodate only a select few. Other times we decide our facility does not offer what your dog needs. We are a fabulous place for most dogs, but certainly not the best fit for all dogs. We want dogs to be safe, healthy, and happy. If we believe we cannot achieve this standard then our duty is to be forthright about that. We will let you know why we made the determination we did. If your dog was not chosen in this round of selection, due to availability, you can request consideration in the next round.
Please answer all questions honestly. This is not a test. It is simply used to determine if we can safely care for a member of your family. Please send shot records, even if missing the Canine Influenza. We review applications without proof of the Canine Influenza, however, if chosen, your camper will be required to have their initial & booster before they come for evaluation day. We only review completed applications w/ all required documents.
We make every effort to get the status of campers’ selection to you as soon as we possible. The process can take up to 2 weeks and is dependent on how many are in front of you. We suggest you always have a backup plan. We have hundreds of applicants for each round and we typically only choose about 12% so a backup plan is essential. If you have immediate needs for overnight care, we can provide you with a recommendation of a facility that does not require an application or selection screening. Our process does not allow us to book immediate needs for new clients.
Current/past families of Bed and Biscuits applying for a new family member need to fill out the application. Selection is not required for your pup. We simply need to get your new pup added to your account and an evaluation day set up.
Lastly, this form is not a confirmation of secured reservation dates. Please watch the website for selection opening and closing dates. Applications can be turned in at any time however selections will not occur outside of the dates posted on the website. Please contact us at bedandbiscuits@gmail.com with any questions. We look forward to learning more about your pup!
Michelle, Ivy, Bailey & The Gang
Bed and Biscuits
"A Camp for Really Cool Dogs"
www.bedandbiscuitsCAMP.com F2023